The financial crisis has already started to impact the business climate in Bulgaria. And therefore the correctness in inter-firm payments becomes an issue of great significance. As a result of the delay or absence of payments, the companies are forced to face liquidity problems, further and inevitably affecting their business results, as well as their ability to timely serve their own debts toward third parties.

Grigorov, Vasileva & Partners brings to the attention of its current and future clients a new special service, relating to bad debts’ collection. If your company has outstanding receivables and debtors failing to carry out due payments, please review the information below and learn how we could professionally and affordably assist you in their fast and effective collection.

Our law firm provides its clients with legal assistance for collection of overdue debts in both judicial and extrajudicial procedure manner, including representation in the enforcement proceeding. More specifically, our services include the following:

1) Consultations

2) Conversations and meetings with the debtor

3) Negotiations with the debtor and intermediation at conclusion of extrajudicial agreements, including agreements for debt prolongation and providing of securities

4) Preparation and serving of notifications for contracts’ termination and notarial invitations

5) Pursuing court claims on behalf of our clients and for their account

6) Post-court collection of receivables through writs of execution, as well as enforcement of judgments

If you want us to deal with your outstanding receivables, please fill in the fields of the web form below. After analyzing your situation, we will contact you promptly (we usually answer by e-mail within two business days).

* UIC, Personal No., address, etc.
* Amount of the receivable and the outstanding sums, transaction, number and date of the invoice, date of payment, etc.

Please, read our Terms of Use (more specifically it. 9) prior to filling in and sending information through the web form below.