Grigorov, Vasileva & Partners offers to its current and future clients a new online service for initial registration of companies under the Commerce Act, as well as for subsequent registration of changes in the circumstances under the files of already incorporated companies.

Stop wasting your valuable time and start using it for better planning of your business initiative.

Reasons to choose our ONLINE registration services:

1. Fully automated process with no need for you to visit our office.

2. No need for you to visit the Registry Agency and wait in line for hours.

3. 30% lower state fees – we file your documents via internet by using qualified electronic signature, and in that case, by virtue of the Commercial Register Act and the Tariff for state fees, the due registration state fees are subject to 30% discount off the regular amounts. Example: the state fee for initial registration of a limited liability company (through filing the documents in a non-electronic, traditional way) amounts to 160 levs, and for electronic registration the latter amounts to 110 levs, i.e. by using our services you will pay 50 levs less!

4. We charge for our online registration services the minimum attorney fees, as set forth by Regulation No. 1 of 9 July 2004 related to the Minimum Rate of Attorneys' Remuneration.

5. Free consultations – if you can’t decide which type of company will be most appropriate for the intended business activity, please don’t hesitate to contact us here and we will gladly consult you on the positive and negative aspects of each type of company, as provided for by the Commerce Act.

6. Express registrations – we prepare the necessary documents within 2 business days from being provided by the client with the relevant information, and we file them in the Commercial Register by the end of the next business day, following the one of their receiving in due form – signed, certified and scanned.

If you want to use our new online services, please choose one of these two links: Initial Registration / Registration of Changes and learn more about what the further actions you need to undertake for the successful start and completion of the chosen registration procedure.